Due to the current state of affairs, we are holding the conference virtually on October 15-16, 2020.


We’re very happy to announce that the Linearising Constituents Across Domains 2020 conference will be hosted virtually in Bled, by the scenic Bled lake and castle, on 16-17 April 15-16 October 2020.

Linearising Constituents Across Domains 2020 will be the final conference in the long succession of the Across Barriers/Across Borders Conferences continuing from Object Agreement Across Barriers 2019 (Zagreb), Resolving Conflicts Across Borders 2017  (Dubrovnik), Ellipsis Across Borders 2016 (Sarajevo) and Agreement Across Borders 2015 (Zadar) that preceded it, following the tradition of inviting researchers to surpass theoretical, empirical, experimental and modality barriers in their understanding and modelling of linguistic phenomena.

LCAD2020 conference is organised as part of the UCL-hosted Leverhulme project Agreement Mismatches in Experimental Syntax: from Slavic to Bantu, this time in collaboration with the University of Nova Gorica  and the Bled Institute. Agreement Mismatches in Experimental Syntax: from Slavic to Bantu studies the patterns of gender agreement and their interaction with linear order, in coordination, with a uniform methodology in six locations across the South Slavic area and three locations across South Africa to enrich, strengthen and reinforce the comparative analysis of two typologically unrelated language families by means of experimental methodology.

Registration is now open!

The program is live!

Five prominent invited speakers will represent their research on linearisation from across theoretical and experimental domains.

LCAD2020 conference is hoping to highlight the interconnectivity of contributions from varying perspectives, as the theme refers not only to linguistic domains (e.g. clauses, noun phrases, prosodic domains, tonal domains) but also across disciplinary domains (e.g. Slavicists, Bantuists, researchers in bilingualism and multilingualism, sign language researchers) that bring theoretical excellence and new empirical input to a part of the language map famous for its linear (conjunct) agreement. Considering the extent of the tradition and layering of the topic, the conference invites clearly written and theoretically innovative submissions for talks, with the potential to have an empirical and experimental impact on furthering our understanding of linearising linguistic elements in all areas of theoretical linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics – across any theory), comparative linguistics, typological linguistics, bilingualism and multilingualism, sign language, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, language acquisition, and clinical linguistics.

Topics (including but not restricted to)

  • Locus and timing of linearisation (e.g. linearisation of constituent or phrasal domains)
  • Word order (e.g. rigidity of head-initial and head-final categories and languages, non-mixed and mixed word order languages, information structure)
  • Cross-modular operations (e.g. shape preservation, roll-up, ellipsis, post-syntactic linear agreement)
  • LF interface (e.g. copies, multiple-spell out, multi-dominance)
  • PF interface (e.g. tonal alignment, metathesis, reduplication)
  • Theoretical predictions and existing data gaps.

Submission guidelines

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: 2 12 December, 2019 
  • Notification of Acceptance: 13 25 January, 2020
  • Program Publication & Registration opening: 3 22  February, 2020

Abstract format

  • Abstracts are invited for an oral presentations (20 min + 10 min), or lightning talks (3 min) plus poster presentations.
  • Abstracts may not be longer than 2 pages in A4 format (including references) with 2.5 cm margins on all sides, single-spaced with a font size not smaller than 12pt. Examples, tables, graphs et cetera are to be intertwined in the text in the appropriate place and not collected at the end.
  • Submissions are restricted to a maximum of one single-authored and one co-authored abstract (or two co-authored abstracts) for both events.
  • The abstracts must be anonymous and not identify the name or affiliation of the author(s) in the abstract, the title, or the name of the document. Abstracts should be submitted as .pdf files with one word from the title as the file name.
  • Submissions will be anonymously refereed.

Registration fees

  • Early Registration: before 20 March 2020
    • Standard fee: €70
    • Reduced fee (students & unwaged): €50
  • Late Registration: after 20 March 2020
    • Standard fee: €90
    • Reduced fee (students & unwaged): €70
  • Registration Deadline:  28 February 2020
  • Reduced conference fees for participants without a presentation (i.e. without poster or presentation)
    • Standard fee: €20
    • Reduced fee (students & unwaged): €10

Note that all fees will be payable on-site at the conference hotel reception.

Social events

To be annouced.

Organised by